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iPhone App: I Didn't Get Credit After Purchase

Jade Thompson May 2, 2018 No Comment 1,809 views

Due to various technical issues such as poor network connection on your iPhone, Apple server issues, our server issues or any other technical reasons your purchase may not be credited in your account. You may see that purchase has been successful on Appstore but it doesn't reach our server due to above mentioned issues.

This can happen with any app on Appstore and not just with our app. It's a normal day-to-day occurrence.

If this happens then please contact Apple for refund.

Why to contact Apple and not us?

Please note that we are not the payment processor for iPhone apps. We don't charge your card, we have no way of associating a transaction on Apple appstore with your account.

All the payments are processed by Apple. Apple charges your card. On your card statement you will see Apple's name and not our name.

Apple doesn’t have any feature allowing us (publishers) to associate a transaction with your account. So there is no way of knowing if your payment has really been processed or not. 

Can't You Credit Account If I send Purchase Receipt?

As we have said above we can't associate a purchase receipt with your account as Apple doesn't offer this feature. Unfortunately, we can't credit your account even if you send us the receipt.

Contacting Apple for refund is the only option in this case.

I've Contacted Apple, They Asked Me To Contact Developer

Sorry we can't credit or refund as it's not in hour hand. You can show Apple this page which may help them to understand situation.

How to Contact Apple?

You can contact apple from your iTunes account. Please read following topic for refund.