27-Dec-2018 @ 20:03:34
thank you! amazing & talented!
27-Dec-2018 @ 19:54:17
i have left you feedback based on how I felt your reading was, there was no need to send me an abrupt message back. Thank you for your readings previously, but we obviously have not connected as others on this app have said differently the last few days.
27-Dec-2018 @ 19:34:04
reading has suddenly changed against what shes been saying for months?
27-Dec-2018 @ 04:39:44
Gabrille thank you.
27-Dec-2018 @ 02:12:40
Thank you
26-Dec-2018 @ 22:34:01
Thnak you but your message was cut off
23-Dec-2018 @ 23:20:20
23-Dec-2018 @ 01:01:56
thank you!
22-Dec-2018 @ 18:56:27
very spot on about my friend I now await what she has said to cone to pass. Thank you !!
20-Dec-2018 @ 16:21:57
Shes a excellent reader
20-Dec-2018 @ 08:51:03
thx a lot dear
20-Dec-2018 @ 08:15:32
we connect very well
19-Dec-2018 @ 18:55:44
speechless. she knows what she is saying and doesnt sugarcoat or gives false hope
15-Dec-2018 @ 04:33:55
Thx for the insight
15-Dec-2018 @ 03:22:54
Prediction about the guy coming forward didn't come to pass and I'm now being told i'll meet someone else through a friend. Thanks for giving me hope though
14-Dec-2018 @ 20:52:09
Hi I sent you a new question could you answer it please
14-Dec-2018 @ 17:30:53
Shes a wonderful reader she picks up on everything
13-Dec-2018 @ 20:07:14
Thank you so much Gabrille. i appreciate your response to mt question. I look forward to your predictions coming to pass :)
13-Dec-2018 @ 17:38:25
I asked a question about a job change and you didn't answer it? You answered the other questions and left that one out. Please answer it? Many thanks!
11-Dec-2018 @ 07:41:37
thx hun..i will follow your advice :):)