I have the ability to use my third eye. No question is too small or silly. I can see what you are going through and how you are feeling and I will open the doors on a spiritual level to show you the right way. If you are thinking about someone, I have the ability to tune into their soul as well and I can tell you what they are thinking. I open the doors of the spiritual dimension and I can see messages from your spirit guides and talk about the journey of your life
I have the ability to use my third eye. No question is too small or silly. I can see what you are going through and how you are feeling and I will open the doors on a spiritual level to show you the right way. If you are thinking about someone, I have the ability to tune into their soul as well and I can tell you what they are thinking. I open the doors of the spiritual dimension and I can see messages from your spirit guides and talk about the journey of your life
Correct again, doctor confirmed not dangerous but didn't say what it was but don't know if my he is going to get second opinion which may require the tests/waits for results etc .thanks once again.
Havent needed a reading,Just stop by say Hi nothing has come true still no contact or anything i dont expect i see clearly now that dont care&Love me made his choice,just saying hello
Ellie by far os the best here. She alwqys helps me through a very complicated time and she is always there at the touch of the button with fast useful answers and advice that helps in real life
Thanks I just stop by say Hi might be little while before you hear from me again since im focusing on other things now,nothing came true about guy I was getting readings on I don't want waste nothing more talking about someone like that thanks anyway
Thanks I haven't been back for reading because I don't have need to since he still hasn't contacted me nothing has come true in regards to him I been focusing on myself and moving on
Thanks if he show up before jan1 i let you know i dont think he will i be back if he show up before jan1 after that i dont see no point talking about him anymore because i will be moving on