30-Jul-2023 @ 03:46:08
Thanks Linda for all predictions. I hope they come to pass and see him soon. I’ve left you some more messages.
05-Aug-2023 @ 23:35:00
Thank you so much Linda for coming back online with your predictions. I’ll be on again Tuesday. I’ve left you more questions.
09-Aug-2023 @ 09:53:13
Thanks for all your predictions and messages Linda. I hope I hear from him soon. I hope you come back online soon.
12-Aug-2023 @ 00:23:57
Thanks Linda for all your predictions. I hope I see him soon. I hopfully you can back online this weekend.
19-Aug-2023 @ 07:16:14
Thank you Linda for your predictions I’ll let you know if I see him. I’ll be online on Tuesday.
02-Apr-2023 @ 16:30:56
I hope that what she told me happens because otherwise I don't know what I would do
26-Apr-2023 @ 05:33:52
Thanks Linda for your readings I’ll back next Tuesday
02-May-2023 @ 10:36:55
Thanks Linda for all your predictions. I left you another message. I hope you can be online more often. Thanks.
06-May-2023 @ 06:58:43
Thank you for predictions. I hopefully you will be available tomorrow.
07-May-2023 @ 00:25:17
Thanks Linda I hope all comes to pass. I’ve left you another message.
15-May-2023 @ 03:16:42
Hi Linda Thanks for your message. I’ll send you another one tomorrow afternoon if you’re available. Thanks
21-May-2023 @ 00:07:23
Thanks for your predictions speak soon.
01-Jun-2024 @ 11:54:00
Thanks Linda Please come back online
05-Aug-2024 @ 19:57:02
Thanks for all previous readings but the guy never did reach out at all in July I don't think he will contact me in August either I be shocked if he even do haven't heard from him in months now
03-Oct-2023 @ 09:45:16
Thanks Linda I appreciate your readings so much. I haven’t seen him yet. I hope to see him soon. I left you two new messages. Thanks talk soon
21-Oct-2023 @ 02:01:49
Thanks Linda For all your readings. I hope to see him today or tomorrow at least. Fingers cross I’ll see him so I can say hello at least. I left you two more messages.
28-Oct-2023 @ 07:58:30
Thanks for readings Linda. I don’t think he likes me and I think he’s dating somebody else. I don’t know if it’s a joke the photo. But if you could come online.
29-Oct-2023 @ 10:03:27
Thanks Linda When you’re able to come online. I need some reassurance with POI please. If is he now taken with someone else.
13-Nov-2023 @ 04:29:20
Thanks I’ll be in touch tomorrow.
25-Nov-2023 @ 20:45:51
Thanks linda I’ll be online this Tuesday so I’ll send you an reply then.