22-Jan-2023 @ 03:58:55
Good answer very helpful And good time frame never ask for extra service
22-Jan-2023 @ 04:20:26
Never ask for service she is a 10 star very good on time frame
22-Jan-2023 @ 05:07:31
Good and accruate and helpful and good time frame
22-Jan-2023 @ 19:02:27
Very helpful always here for me good time frame never we ask extra service just speak facts
23-Jan-2023 @ 00:01:45
I miss him and love him and only him a lot.I hope your predictions pass...love,Sarbani.
23-Jan-2023 @ 00:14:39
Thanks for reading hope your predictions come true for me soon
23-Jan-2023 @ 00:29:26
Just did two reading with her they were nice and long . I’m going to see what happens but I did another reading and thank you again for your help 😊
23-Jan-2023 @ 00:46:23
Okay had to ask one more and then I’m done for a little lol thank you so much for answering all my questions 😊
23-Jan-2023 @ 02:49:23
23-Jan-2023 @ 03:58:11
Helpful psotive always time frame good
23-Jan-2023 @ 04:55:14
Very good and good time frame never ask extra service she always have a good answers
23-Jan-2023 @ 05:04:02
Thank you
23-Jan-2023 @ 13:21:32
Good helpful always here for me with good time frame and good detail
23-Jan-2023 @ 17:51:49
Thanks for the reading I hope all your predictions come true for me and I start seeing improvements in R. Very soon I haven't heard back from him yet tho
23-Jan-2023 @ 17:53:00
Thanks for reading I hope all your predictions come true for me soon and R. Starts improving and things with him gets more consistent and I hear from him soon thanks again
23-Jan-2023 @ 18:22:05
Good answer never ask extra service the best and good time frame
24-Jan-2023 @ 03:07:20
Thanks are you online I sent another question thanks for all the readings..
24-Jan-2023 @ 04:01:44
Thanks for all the readings are you online right now
24-Jan-2023 @ 05:10:38
Thanks are you online
24-Jan-2023 @ 05:34:00
Good answer helpful and good details