15-Mar-2018 @ 01:36:00
thabks julie. just hoping youre right. i hate this waiting game!!!
12-Mar-2018 @ 23:24:57
it was too odd the things that she said , but im still waiting , i hope it will happen like she said
12-Mar-2018 @ 14:38:30
She has been spot on so far, and love that she is patient with all my questions, and help me keep the faith
11-Mar-2018 @ 16:38:48
thank you much you forgot to answer is there someone else in his life?
10-Mar-2018 @ 15:48:11
detailed responses and patient
10-Mar-2018 @ 15:19:52
Thank you :)
10-Mar-2018 @ 14:18:46
thank u julie. i appreciate all ur help and everything u do. ur amazing! much love and light!
05-Mar-2018 @ 01:15:01
thank you for the speedy reply & clarification x
28-Feb-2018 @ 08:15:36
julie is always so sweet and caring in her responses. i do not hesitate to contact her. she was quick to pick up on the person and clarified his situation.
28-Feb-2018 @ 07:45:18
thank you julie for putting my mind at ease. you are always so sweet and caring in your responses. i will now patiently wait the predictions.
26-Feb-2018 @ 12:01:56
thx a ton for keeping me positive
26-Feb-2018 @ 11:24:27
I really like Julie, just waiting for her predictions to pass x
26-Feb-2018 @ 05:28:09
vevy patient i m waitting for her prédictions
25-Feb-2018 @ 02:00:07
she basically just wrote a few lines and was maily just repreating what i asked, just adding it will be ok! im not looking for a sympathetic ear im looking for answers and predictions. some details
24-Feb-2018 @ 10:50:01
thanks Julie, but could you give me a timeframe ?
20-Feb-2018 @ 22:39:15
great advice and follow up message. thank you. hopefully things will change soon x
19-Feb-2018 @ 20:34:12
Julie ❤
19-Feb-2018 @ 00:43:36
Julie has helped me for a long time with my sitiation she has never waivered from her prediction no matter what and has tried to keep me positive she is the best!
18-Feb-2018 @ 23:28:26
julie has been giving me great insight and advice for a few months now. she is always quick to reply and makes complete sense! brilliant. x
15-Feb-2018 @ 06:19:29
unclear in response and 50% accuracy rate