26-Jul-2018 @ 22:42:30
i will do it pls..thx a ton
26-Jul-2018 @ 21:15:01
My last review was cut off. So to continue... Emma's prediction of contact was accurate and NOTHING else. She now said wait 4 weeks and things will changed when the POI has clearly moved on. Today you now say I'll meet someone new. Wish you told me this months ago. This is time I can never get back with additional hurt and tears which I shouldl have avoided. Ty though. You were nice but not accurate at all
26-Jul-2018 @ 19:47:44
Thanks Emma. Its funny cuz only a few days ago you told me he will be back
26-Jul-2018 @ 19:24:52
ok pls..i trust uou fully ..i will do..thx a ton
25-Jul-2018 @ 22:57:30
Thank you, Emma, for being right about the job prediction. It hurt that I didn't get it, but, at least you told the truth. Looking forward to the positive love predictions coming true!
25-Jul-2018 @ 21:51:00
Always accurate, sweet, quick- long- nice- responses
25-Jul-2018 @ 16:17:30
I'm so sorry Emma. You've been so nice and reassuring. But I don't think you could have or did see the horrible turn it all took just now. There's absolutely no chance now for what you said especially today or soon like you originally said. If I'm wrong and some sort of miracle changes this turn of events I'll review again I promise but it's not looking likely at all. It's all over.
24-Jul-2018 @ 20:24:27
Amazing! Accurate, fast, long responses
24-Jul-2018 @ 20:14:29
Well miss Emma what you said would happen tomorrow happened shortly after our talk. But it included another lame excuse. I think I am done now. I'm giving up. There are clearly no feelings left. Thank you for letting me vent tho. May not be psychically correct but you are very sweet to converse with.
24-Jul-2018 @ 20:05:00
Emma clarified my last review. She answers quickly. I can tell she really cares and wants me to wait this out but I'm so emotionally drained and hurt. I don't think her now to 4 week prediction will come true bc I think I'm done with all of this. But that'll be my free will. She's sticking to her prediction and is very kind. She made a short term prediction for tomorrow so I shall see how that goes... Thank you Emma for the reassurance I'm just very doubtful at this moment.
22-Jul-2018 @ 23:41:52
Can you please give me anything more than 2 sentences? All your reviews say how detailed you are. I get 2 sentences within 3 minutes of sending the text. And what is between "now and weeks" how many weeks. Can you please add more details and be a bit more clear. Kinda disappointed in that felt rushed and not caring
22-Jul-2018 @ 13:19:24
Emmas predictions came to pass. The first step came to pass waiting fo bigger ones
22-Jul-2018 @ 13:18:39
Emma your prediction of contact in 3 weeks came to pass. I cant wait for the rest to come to pass.
22-Jul-2018 @ 13:17:41
omg Emma told me my ex will call me and apologize " now and 3 weeks" omg she told me that on July 2. I did not believe her for real because the break up was MESSY AND HUGE. I woke up this morning to his call. With apologies. Now I bellive the rest of her predictions will come to pass. we only spoke briefly and apologized but I pray the rest comes to pass. Thank you Emma
12-Jul-2018 @ 23:36:05
so insightful and kind! thank so much!!
12-Jul-2018 @ 19:25:13
Thank u so much emma
07-Jul-2018 @ 00:00:21
Prediction came to pass!
06-Jul-2018 @ 23:56:54
Thank you, excellent reading!
06-Jul-2018 @ 01:46:52
thank you
05-Jul-2018 @ 18:30:06
Emma thanks. Okay pls could you be more detailed? Like some insight into my situation and timeframe as I requested pls.