20-Jan-2017 @ 14:07:15
sherry can u re look at my message and answer the questions plz
20-Jan-2017 @ 12:30:09
thank you.. you always put my mind at rest but can you please answer all my questions of when he will initiate the contact if i dont
20-Jan-2017 @ 06:34:10
very good reading. Impressed on point. she explains clearly..
20-Jan-2017 @ 03:30:09
I hope she is right
19-Jan-2017 @ 06:23:42
magic!!! she is amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!!
18-Jan-2017 @ 06:33:28
Sherry was very detail I mean really detail. she is very nice and takes time to connect.
18-Jan-2017 @ 03:13:59
she answers all my wuestions
17-Jan-2017 @ 00:03:52
Everything she said made sense of things!!! Thank you
16-Jan-2017 @ 04:46:53
Very strong connection and thank you so much will keep you posted!!! ;)
15-Jan-2017 @ 19:17:06
as always accurafe, quick and kind
14-Jan-2017 @ 16:35:03
Sherry is the best I do trust her and i message her all the time im probablly annoying but she is consistent and patient with me in my situation
09-Jan-2017 @ 08:31:57
recounting the messages she sent ALL OF HER PREDICTIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECT AND ON TIME the only advisor thats done that! hoping that the other predictions come to friution so he'll know I'm the one thank you Sherry! much love and blessings
08-Jan-2017 @ 23:23:36
she is fast and accurate and has enlighten my spirits. TY and everyone should give her a text
08-Jan-2017 @ 02:57:24
such a nica lady amd hnderstanding wiating to see if jer oresictions come true.
07-Jan-2017 @ 15:29:18
thank you Sherry. shes resally lovely and reassuring, just praying her predictions come to pass
07-Jan-2017 @ 13:47:22
prediction didnt happen. but she gives really good life advice and she's compassionate. im happy her prediction didnt happen because he isnt right for me. it was best we broke up. i can move on to better things in my life. again, things in your life change. so predictions are never certain. psychics connect to hundreds of energies a day.
06-Jan-2017 @ 16:56:45
always helpful..will update soon hopefully
06-Jan-2017 @ 16:51:59
thank you so much for always sticking by your prediction even though ive been waiting forever i do believe you and myself that this is not in vain
05-Jan-2017 @ 16:31:15
from the very beginning ibfelt Sherry by my side. she has true talent and makes you feel sage and secure. i dont know why but I trust her because I feel she knows my inner self and she helps me to get to know muself better.
03-Jan-2017 @ 17:53:52
shes the best. thanks sherry