18-Feb-2017 @ 23:14:52
very sweet but wasnt accurate; told me that i shiuidnt worry about a woman around my ex because shes just taking care of him, when acrually they are in a serious relationship breakas my heart
20-Feb-2017 @ 01:13:49
her responds was Very short and vague
11-Apr-2017 @ 00:54:17
been waiting for some time now for her to reply. usually been fast with responding but she is always helpful and spoton with my situations
02-Dec-2017 @ 14:44:57
great lasy but sadly predictions never happened.
04-Oct-2018 @ 06:20:06
for months & months ive been told we would be getting back together in september or oct. last month she said it would be this month & when i asked for an update, twice i had to ask for a timeframe and neither times did she give me a timeframe. i feel i have been strung along
14-Nov-2018 @ 23:46:32
Thank you.. Helpful
21-Nov-2018 @ 21:48:24
Bad day, Linda? I just asked for clarification and I felt that I had disturbed you or something. My question was clear & shouldn't have taken two questions to get a kinda flip answer.
18-Apr-2019 @ 04:50:48
Meh kind of just repeated what i told her
19-May-2019 @ 00:44:18
I asked about a job I interviewed for was I going to get it. Linda said I would but I didn’t!
13-Feb-2018 @ 00:45:46
prediction didnt happen. dates given was accurate
22-Jan-2020 @ 13:18:00
Quite disappointed that this morning I messaged Linda for an update. Was told feelings remain the same & timeframes are still the same as previously read. However 4 hours later I ask another question and suddenly POI is having witchcraft done on them and we are no longer getting back together unless spiritual work is done? Just felt quite disappointed with my reading
06-Jan-2021 @ 23:55:47
Unfortunately nothing came to pass..sorry
01-May-2020 @ 03:38:52
Please give me a timeframe and I asked about two people so idk who are you talking about?
29-Jul-2019 @ 16:33:30
Thanks for the insight, but the advisor sure that the mentioned person will contact on July. Well, no contact from him. Thanks anyway.
03-Sep-2019 @ 03:58:53
Linda is nice but she says things that confuses me and her predictions either only partly comes true or not at all
14-Feb-2020 @ 20:18:32
Sweet Lady, but didn’t connect.
31-May-2024 @ 01:51:22
honestly not worth it . generic and can apply to anyone .
28-Feb-2017 @ 21:59:32
very breif but her predication was very positive thanx linda.x
08-Mar-2017 @ 02:58:13
Always accurate!!!! Thank you :)
03-Apr-2018 @ 01:46:37
pleas answer my message