31-Jan-2022 @ 15:51:00
Hello,will the cleansing help me to manifest a committed relationship ?
02-Feb-2022 @ 13:26:24
Dear Kitty ,which service should I opt for manifestation of love , better paying job and more happy and peaceful life .
02-Feb-2022 @ 13:27:17
Instruct me on which service I need to buy for marriage,job and happiness and success on life path .
02-Feb-2022 @ 13:34:15
I'm looking forward to your guidance as In seriously interested in purchasing it
02-Feb-2022 @ 13:35:01
I hope I don't need to do anything for the service..or are there any instructions for me ?
02-Feb-2022 @ 13:40:55
Okay...Allow me 5 hours....I am booking a service...
02-Feb-2022 @ 14:48:50
Which one to opt in services.
02-Feb-2022 @ 15:03:26
What about vibration bath?
02-Feb-2022 @ 15:06:16
Hi , I purchased the service .I am sending my name and DOB and photo for reference.
02-Feb-2022 @ 15:12:22
I want to manifest a stable career and marriage with Bibhuti Bhusan Rath, February 1990 born ,son of Bhabani Charan Rath and Sarmistha Rath.
02-Feb-2022 @ 20:47:34
Thank you 😊 Kitty
02-Feb-2022 @ 20:47:50
Blessings and happiness 😇
03-Feb-2022 @ 04:44:59
Thank you so much.🙏
05-Feb-2022 @ 22:47:36
Kitty has been fantastic quick to respond too! Thank you x
07-Feb-2022 @ 01:08:56
Okay ms kitty I truly appreciate you as soon as extra funds come my way I’ll be back to do the cleanse I really want the help
11-Jul-2021 @ 17:22:45
Thanks Kitty a lot 💓
11-Jul-2021 @ 17:23:11
You are a blessing 🙏 ✨
14-Jul-2021 @ 17:03:19
Thank you 🙏
21-Jul-2021 @ 14:59:11
You was right he did reach out to me and apologize
21-Jul-2021 @ 15:00:40
He did open up and said he want to be with me and loves me