02-Jul-2023 @ 23:37:03
Thank you so much Manish💕
22-May-2023 @ 02:33:21
Please answer second question I asked
17-May-2023 @ 14:18:55
Did he receive the notice of the lawsuit yet?
16-Apr-2023 @ 22:22:02
I was reviewing my readings with Manish, i waited 72 hours to write this and none of them are at all accurate to the situation.
13-Apr-2023 @ 12:54:14
Well spoken and prompt; however, accuracy seems off as the POI I asked about is in a relationship and he said “he’s out having fun.”
18-Mar-2023 @ 12:07:57
Thanks I meant her name keviona my phone froze up
08-Feb-2023 @ 23:01:29
Will he reach out ?
05-Feb-2023 @ 19:52:03
From the card drawn Manish provides a great insight on specific sotuation. Great reader!
14-Jan-2023 @ 05:16:09
Thanks for reading I hope your predictions come true
08-Jan-2023 @ 16:32:54
Thanks for reading
31-Dec-2022 @ 14:04:42
Happy New year thanks
18-Dec-2022 @ 17:26:39
Manish is always right
11-Dec-2022 @ 02:54:18
Thanks for reading
01-Dec-2022 @ 14:59:03
Thank you for all the detailed readings
30-Nov-2022 @ 17:45:54
Prediction came to pass that I will get my old job back between September and November , got it back this month
19-Nov-2022 @ 19:42:37
Thank you for the truth!
02-Nov-2022 @ 04:46:24
Thank you for the clear insight, as always! ❤️
13-Oct-2022 @ 11:03:26
Manish readings are direct and detailed. Thank you!
01-Oct-2022 @ 02:19:27
Thank you very much! Love the clarity you bring me!
28-Sep-2022 @ 01:38:21