12-Aug-2023 @ 00:30:44
I appreciate you so much for the reading she’s very sweet and accurate
11-Aug-2023 @ 04:05:57
Good answer helpful
10-Aug-2023 @ 23:33:55
April is the best !
10-Aug-2023 @ 21:45:01
Thank you April !! Thank you so much ! Really appreciate your honesty and help and answers !!!
10-Aug-2023 @ 20:51:11
Good answer
10-Aug-2023 @ 02:56:19
Good answer helpful
10-Aug-2023 @ 01:24:47
Good answer helpful please answer when u can
09-Aug-2023 @ 14:26:53
Good answer helpful
09-Aug-2023 @ 04:00:21
Helpful and accurate
09-Aug-2023 @ 01:09:18
Helpful psotive answer when u can
08-Aug-2023 @ 22:26:58
Good answer helpful
08-Aug-2023 @ 14:31:41
Helpful positve
07-Aug-2023 @ 17:49:47
Helpful psotive
07-Aug-2023 @ 00:36:43
Hi april you haven't got back to me
06-Aug-2023 @ 17:39:48
Good answer helpful psotive
04-Aug-2023 @ 16:35:47
Psotive and accurate the bets
04-Aug-2023 @ 12:11:56
The best she is very detailed and always here for me
03-Aug-2023 @ 21:55:44
Please answer when u can
03-Aug-2023 @ 21:23:18
Good answer helpful psotive
03-Aug-2023 @ 15:27:01
Helpful and positve