24-Oct-2018 @ 02:17:14
answers each question with patience, grace and works hard
23-Oct-2018 @ 22:23:54
Thank you Sara for your readings and insight x
23-Oct-2018 @ 06:13:59
Very accurate, you say she feels I made him happy & now he's different, she gave me that impression when i saw her on sunday that she thought he has changed, so this was true! Sara has been consistant with her prediction saying he will be in touch in Nov, I really hope this comes to pass.
22-Oct-2018 @ 20:33:09
hi Sara could you please clarify - today you said that if i tell him what i think it would push him away however before you told me to stand up for myself otherwise things wont change??? im confused please can you explain thank you
22-Oct-2018 @ 19:55:39
She gave me heart felt advice with my relationship problems and my private life problems I hope what she told me comes true. By far the best one I have talked too.
22-Oct-2018 @ 12:48:09
thank you
22-Oct-2018 @ 01:29:22
21-Oct-2018 @ 11:38:01
Everything Sara has said so far seems logical and has been correct.. still waiting to see part of the prediction as he's been very off with me but she did predict that! Hopefully the second part for November will happen, thank you for your help Sara xxx
20-Oct-2018 @ 19:56:16
can ready into energy without dates of birth etc very good!!!
20-Oct-2018 @ 17:53:34
you are a healer!!! thank you!
20-Oct-2018 @ 17:45:21
very accurate, long quick responses
19-Oct-2018 @ 22:46:53
witch wednsday ? this wednesday , next week next month next year i dont think i got a pyschic reading very disapointing .
19-Oct-2018 @ 21:45:31
can you answer the question about wht he compares me please
19-Oct-2018 @ 20:40:20
thx a ton..really big thanks dear
19-Oct-2018 @ 17:43:00
thx dear
19-Oct-2018 @ 17:30:25
She predicted something that my boyfriend later confirmed. Tysm!
18-Oct-2018 @ 15:58:16
thank you for your quality readings, long & quick, accurate responses!
17-Oct-2018 @ 15:59:27
Sara's readings are clear and concise. She connects very well and gets straight to the point. Really eased my mind wirh her reading! Thank you Sara ! :)
17-Oct-2018 @ 15:25:37
thank you for your honesty & sharing your gift with us!!
16-Oct-2018 @ 21:27:38
only partially true on my apartment search the place I was in love with fell through after being told I "for sure" would get it. i have little to no hope for the rest of my predictions.