18-Feb-2017 @ 04:03:28
wow! an amazingly clear reading, and to the point ..really good Many thanks!
18-Feb-2017 @ 03:41:41
she was in tune with others on this app can't wait for the outcome !
18-Feb-2017 @ 03:38:05
thank you i got a inivite to meet someone about a job you where right thank you
18-Feb-2017 @ 01:50:35
hey linda can you answer my question about Xavier?? you didnt answer some of my questions
18-Feb-2017 @ 00:58:17
Linda's messages had a sincere feel to them, I dont think she just tells you what she thinks you want to hear. If you are new to this app i highly suggest on trying her out! I really hope her predictions come to light.
17-Feb-2017 @ 23:52:35
Thank you!!
17-Feb-2017 @ 20:56:05
Not a lot of detail but thank you!! :)
17-Feb-2017 @ 17:45:20
Thank you, I'm really hoping you're right!!
17-Feb-2017 @ 17:32:21
Reading matches others I received. She seems on point & pretty confident in her predictions. My only complaint is that I wish her reading was a bit longer but I'll still give her 5 stars because of her accuracy. The accuracy is what really matters in the end ...
17-Feb-2017 @ 17:15:56
lovely reading linda..will update u in april:)
17-Feb-2017 @ 15:20:53
she answered all my questions, was straight and to the point which i appreciate.
17-Feb-2017 @ 13:00:37
definitely told me what others have said regarding love life I really hope her prediction and time frame pass
17-Feb-2017 @ 06:10:37
Linda is on the same page with ashely, amy and Michelle. Their predictions are similar. she picked up with out dob just names!! however i just wished she was more detailed..
17-Feb-2017 @ 05:35:41
shes awesome fast an honest an very sweet
17-Feb-2017 @ 05:19:25
Yep!!! she's good!!! ;)
17-Feb-2017 @ 05:14:32
She confirmed exactly what I was thinking and had a very strong connection with her!! You should give her a try because she also confirmed with other psychics have said!! Thank you I will keep in touch
17-Feb-2017 @ 05:01:42
Thank you so much! very insightful!!
17-Feb-2017 @ 05:01:27
Thank you!! :)
17-Feb-2017 @ 04:50:56
thank you!
17-Feb-2017 @ 04:06:07
I have one word for this wonderful reader WOW!!! she blew me away by her information! I told her very lil and she picked up on things in didn't even tell her! I will deff keep you posted when things come to pass! your a true gift of God & Blessing Linda love & light to you sweetie best of luck to you on this site.. I know you will bring joy an truth to many other costumers on here.