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10 Signs He Is Using You For Money

By Danusa Tula 05-Apr-2022 746 views 1 Comment

Have you ever thought about the possibility that he's just interested in what your money has to offer?

Well, that kind of freeloading man may be closer than you think…

I would say more: in gay relationships, the profile of the handyman/opportunist/interesting person is quite common. And they have quite a market, especially when it comes to a young body. That's because there are many older men who play younger boys in exchange for affection.

It's what some call a boy toy: that big boy who dates rich older gay men, serving as a toy in exchange for financial protection. Of course, in some cases there may be feelings, but you have to be aware when the interest comes down to what money can provide. Successful women are the preferred target of this type of man who may be working in the same company as her, being her subordinate, and even opportunism among young people. This year I attended a girl whose boyfriend broke up with her because she didn't pay the club entrance fee for him. So be on the lookout for a lifetime with this type of man.

10 Signs He Is Using You For Money

1. He investigated your financial situation from the very first questions
Free-kick boys generally focus on the best-dressed men, and the best-dressed women who go to the best parties. A great feature of this profile is not having time to waste. You will notice that he is interested in his first questions: what do you do, where do you live, if you were ever married, where do you work, etc.

2. He never offers to pay anything
The bill arrives and he doesn't even move? Do you stand there looking like a landscape without the slightest embarrassment? Be aware! That's the end of the stick face!

If he only enjoys his electron visa and is not able to open his hand even to pay for movie popcorn, there's something strange there.

Of course, there is no problem with the person who is better able to shoulder most of the expense. This is actually something that happens naturally as the relationship grows closer. Now, let's be realistic, there are always cheap ways to reward yourself for that little dinner or trip. Even if it's with a little surprise chocolate, a little message written on a notebook paper but that's a crumb!... What really matters is the gesture. But there are some men who pay for dinner, most of the trip only at the beginning of the relationship, and then they start asking for money. They start making up lies saying that the car broke down, and that he doesn't have the money for the repairs, but then he will pay you, and when you see it, you have to give him money every month.

3. He's always confused about your relationship
It's the classic "I don't think we need to rush things" or "I'm not sure I want a serious relationship right now."

If he says he likes you but is always confused about what kind of relationship you have, if he refuses or tries to avoid any kind of conversation that might solve that problem, listen. Maybe he still likes some other woman or, worse, maybe he is, in fact, with another woman, and on top of that every now and then he needs your financial help.

4. He behaves like a friend in front of other people
Do kisses, caresses and hugs happen only when no one else is looking? When you're with friends or in any other public place, is he trying to avoid you or treating you the same way he treats other people? Keep an eye!

Either he's trying to look single to someone or he's not that proud of dating you.

5. His friends don't know you
If a man is using you, chances are he will introduce you to his friends. And more: often friends may not even know about your existence.

So if one day he's with a group of friends and none of them recognize you, be intrigued. This is definitely not a good sign. And besides, he keeps going out with you without paying the bill once, eating and drinking at your expense.

6. He only gives when he receives something in return.
Do you take the man out to expensive dinners, set up amazing dates, and give him great gifts because he knows he's going to get some kind of affection? In normal situations is he super cold and never takes his wishes into consideration?

If this man only pays attention to you when he gets a treat, he probably just wants to use you. This isn't even a sign anymore, it's a clear attitude. It gets cold and treats you badly when you don't give gifts or money, but it gets all affectionate when you give gifts or money.

7. He doesn't make you feel special
He lets you make him feel special, but can't you remember the last time he did something to make you feel the same way? Do you feel like you're constantly doing nice little things, but he never reciprocates? Be alert. In a relationship it is important to give and receive.

8. He only sees you when he wants to
You never do something together that you've chosen. It's always the places he wants to go, the movies he wants to watch, when he can, when his schedule allows and so on.

Understand one thing: if he really wants to be with you, he will cancel all the commitments he has, even if he has to turn his life upside down, but he will do what you want.

9. It's broken but it doesn't even care
Freehand men are often financially broke, but seem comfortable with the situation. After all, they hope to earn their source of income through other means…yes, of course, by getting a relationship with a woman or a man to support them.

10. He dominates the relationship
Does he call you whenever he wants and ask you to meet him at a certain place, stipulate all the plans you will make together and all the rules of the relationship?

Well, he only does it because he has you in his hands, right?!

Take a test: turn the tables and start going against all his plans and rules, and don't give him a dime, don't pay bills, don't solve his problems. Of two, one: either he will take the relationship more seriously and he will pay the bills himself and solve the problems until his problems, which is very difficult, or he will end it all. If the first option happens, there is still hope, BECAUSE HE MAY BE PRETENDING TO THEN ASK YOU FOR MORE MONEY AGAIN. If it's the second, consider yourself free from yet another karma.

These men are wonderful at first, they are good in bed, they make you feel very happy but then when they want your money they make it difficult to meet you to make you crazy with desire, only then they will attack your wallet. They prepare a date where you will be dying to go to bed with him but first he will find a way to ask you for money, only to give you sex later, and the worst thing is that many people after they take your money will invent a lie not to going to a motel with you, leaving you frustrated, and sad.
Women and men who have relationships with opportunists must want to see everything, they must reflect that the consequence of such a love is only sadness, disappointment and in the end abandonment.


Danusa Tula
(35 ratings)

Medium, Sensitive, Tarologist expert in love life!


One Response to “ 10 Signs He Is Using You For Money ”
  1. Hello, I've been dating my bf for about 6 months now. He was good in the beginning but recently he has started asking me for money. Only yesterday he asked me for $250. How do I know if he is using me for money or not.

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