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Do Oracles Predict Love Life?

By Danusa Tula 14-Feb-2022 538 views No Comments

oracles love The passions and their consequences, at one moment a lot of happiness and then deep sadness. How difficult it is to value ourselves, how difficult it is to let the loved one go..!
Tarot and gypsy cards are the most sought-after means of divination when it comes to love, not to mention astrology within the astral synastry that measures the degree of compatibility between two people who have a love relationship, or who are starting to have one. romance. The questions are the most varied, and the oracles can predict what the person feels, if such a person wants to return, if such a person is betraying the querent, his next attitudes, and if a relationship will end, and for some tarotists and For sensitive fortune tellers, one can see in roughly how long a romance will last, or when a new love will appear. All this is fantastic because we realize that GOD is so good that he allowed the coming or creation of the oracles so that we are not in the dark, and that through a mystic scholar we can know what is going to happen and in fact get good advice on what to do, how to behave in a difficult situation with those we love.

We often feel the same way as the lyrics of this Brazilian song say:
I lost the time
But I found you here
since that night
I never understood myself
you took my heart
took my look
I remain blind and unhappy
wanting to meet you

to talk
convince you
confess you
I want only you

I didn't forget your name

his face
Your voice
The other day I saw you one afternoon
so fast
You passed the circular
By Leblon Beach
I ran after
Too late
I lost the condition

to talk
to convince you
confess you
I want only you.

By extension, the term oracle designates both the deity consulted and the human intermediary who transmits the answer, and also the sacred place where the answer is given. The Greek language distinguishes these different meanings: among numerous terms, the divine answer can be designated by χρησμός - khrêsmós, literally the fact of informing. One can also say φάτις - phatis, the fact of speaking. The interpreter of the divine answer is often designated προφήτης - prophêtê, the one who speaks in (the god's) place.

Mancia, that is, the domain of divination, is not, in the ancient Greek world, constituted only by the oracular sciences. Soothsayers like Tiresias are considered mythological characters: divination, in Greece, is not a matter for inspired mortals but for people who respect certain rites, although tradition has been able to give the impression of such inspiration, or, literally, ἐνθουσιασμός - enthousiasmós, enthusiasm , that is, the fact of having God in himself.The answers revealed through divination (divination) arts to a personal question. ... Although there are records of consultations with deities for divination since antiquity, it was in Greece that the practice gained the status of a national cult, with temples dedicated exclusively to divinatory practices. At that time, the dramas of love life were the same, betrayal, fights for love, abandonment of partners, widowhood, forbidden love, and unrequited love. The oracles will always help by predicting the facts that were going to happen helping thousands of people.

And when a passion like this happens that usually ends later, we go through a lot of sadness and even despair. It is essential for the mystic to constantly study the oracles in order to avoid errors in the interpretation of tarot and gypsy cards, like any oracle that will respond to a person in love. It's all together and mixed up because emotions are often strong and the querent doesn't want to hear a negative prediction, getting angry with tarot writers and fortune tellers.The common sense of knowing that love life is difficult, that forecasts are not always going to be good, and that you must above all value yourself is essential! Delusion is the worst thing, and truth is with the oracles in conjunction with a good seer. The truth through the oracles is always the truth and being the truth, it is freedom because only the truth sets free.


Danusa Tula
(35 ratings)

Medium, Sensitive, Tarologist expert in love life!


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