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Life after death: what the best-known religions say?

By Danusa Tula 08-Feb-2022 464 views No Comments

life after death What Happens After Death according to varous religions
Although science has no explanations, religions have been concerned with this subject for centuries and bring different explanations and possibilities. =

What happens in Catholicism after death encompasses heaven, hell and purgatory and it is the actions in life that indicate what one's destiny will be. Being the unique and eternal soul, for Catholics, it cannot return to other bodies and not even animals, thus excluding the possibility of reincarnation, since according to the Bible they believe in immortality and resurrection, where we die once and will be judged. by actions in life.

If the Catholic achieves forgiveness for sins, he will go to heaven, where he will have to live in communion with God and other human beings. Otherwise, he will be condemned and sent to hell.

For spiritualists, death does not represent the end, after all, our spirit remains alive even after the death of the physical body, when we start to live in a new astral plane or we will reincarnate in a new body.
Those who do good evolve faster and so they don't have to reincarnate several times (only if they want to). On the other hand, those who practice evil will have several reincarnations as opportunities to improve.
In spiritism, it is believed in the existence of God and in the eternity of the soul, however, God is not considered as a creator of good or bad people. For spiritualists, God created all spirits as simple and ignorant, without discernment of evil and good.

Evolution through experience
It is through life experiences that we evolve. Thus, it is we who create heaven and hell. The beings that live on Earth are considered reincarnated spirits that are in this plane in search of evolution, in this way, death consists in the passage of the soul from the physical world to the spiritual world.

Those who have already died are disincarnates who have the ability to connect to other spirits (whether they are incarnate or not), according to the affinity and attunement of these souls..

In Buddhism, it is believed that after death the spirit returns in other bodies, descending or ascending the scale of living beings. That is, depending on the conduct in life, the spirit will reincarnate as an animal or as a human being.

This cycle is repeated until the spirit is freed from karma, which is a law of cause and effect marked by our actions. It is possible to reincarnate in different realms according to your karma.

For Muslims, Allah (God) created the world and will bring back to life all those who died on the last day, when the new life will begin after the judgment of divine assessment.

Islam believes that this life is the preparation for another existence (either in heaven or in hell). When we die, the first day in eternity begins and the soul is kept waiting for the final judgment.

Souls led astray by Satan are destined for Hell. The souls who followed Allah's message and obeyed the traditions of the prophets are sent to Paradise.

For this religion, when we die, we can go to different places, because the universe is composed of seven lines that are ruled by orixás (divine entities).

Umbanda also believes in the evolution of the spirit and in reincarnation, where death is considered an evolutionary stage. Religion born in Brazil.

The Brazilian religion of African origin believes that there is no eternal punishment or even a preconceived idea of ​​heaven and hell.

In Candomblé, souls must fulfill their destiny on Earth. If this goal is not achieved, they will wander between heaven and earth where they will become eternal and conscious beings.

Thus, death is considered a passage to another dimension, where we will be reunited with other spirits, guides and orixás.

Like Catholics, Evangelicals also believe in the Last Judgment, when all souls will be judged and then God will decide who will go to heaven and who will go to hell.

The difference is that, for evangelicals, after death, the soul begins a great journey and the resurrection will only occur on the day Jesus returns to Earth (Resurrection of the Just).

Those who are condemned will have a new chance of resurrection, and those who have died without Christ will have a special body and spend eternity in the lake of sulfur and fire.

There are two types of deaths: physical, when there is a separation of body and soul, and spiritual, considered as the separation of the person from God.

For Baptists, after physical death, those who trust Jesus will be destined for a life of peace and happiness in Paradise, and those who have suffered spiritual death will go to Hell where they will have a life of pain, anguish and suffering.

Adventists believe that the dead will sleep until the time of resurrection. In it, those who fulfilled their role on Earth will have the grace of eternal life and the rest will simply disappear.

In India, when a person dies, their body is taken to the River Ganges, where it is cremated. As Hindus believe that the person is the soul and not the physical body, after death, they believe that they leave towards another dimension, so they celebrate and sing at wakes.

In Hinduism, everyone is charged with a mission that must be accomplished throughout this incarnation. More evolved souls come back in high castes, such as philosophers and priests who are Brahmins. Warriors and politicians belong to the caste of Kshatriyas and the less evolved ones reincarnate as merchants (caste of Vaishas) or workers (caste of Shudras).

If the soul manages to detach itself from the material world and reach a high level, it will no longer need to reincarnate..

Different philosophical lines, different thoughts, it involves our world religions. In the end, we know that good is a line without shortcuts, it is a straight line that we must follow, without harming anyone, without fanaticism, with balance, a good man lives.


Danusa Tula
(35 ratings)

Medium, Sensitive, Tarologist expert in love life!


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